NBC killed a pro life ad that was scheduled to air during the Super Bowl on Sunday. Take a look and see how offensive this would be to so many people. I can't believe the audacity of the catholicvote.com organization for putting that together! Seriously, see for yourself.
I really don't think Bob Dylan was singing about anything, in his 1966 ballad "Rainy Day Women # 12 & 35," except kidney stones really. I think I understand now. The way his voice was ringing out some of the lyrics and the way he captured the essence of how relentless the stone is. It really doesn't care who you are or how much money you have, or how big and bad you think you are- it's still going to get you. Then there's his famous- "Like a Rolling Stone," that cries out "How does it feel/How does it feel/To be without hydrocodone/Like a complete unknown/With a kidney stone." Okay, that may not be exactly how that last song goes, but he sings it like he has one, eh? Kidney stones, much like listening to Dylan, is one of the most painful sicknesses wrought on any human. Almost every woman that has had one and has also experienced having kids, will admit they'd rather have another kid. I'm not so sure. Sixteen years from now, that kidney stone's not going to give you a bunch of lip and put a dent in the car. But I think we get the point. Having a kidney stone feels like a moose standing on your back and not getting off. It's like trying to run into the end zone against the Eagles defense backwards without any padding on your back. These stones are the result of the solidification, crystallization, or concretion of solids in the kidney, etc. In other words, there are tiny solid particles that have gotten in where they shouldn't be and they all come together and make a painful situation. So, how do you avoid these things? For some, there is no avoiding them. They will get them no matter what. For others, drink water and juice, not tea. Don't eat a lot of chocolate, nuts, spinach and a list of other things. There are also medicines and things that can help control the formation of these pesky little boulders too. So, what's the point of this little health lesson today? As the new year begins, I hear a lot of regretful talk- how much last year was bad and how much we hope next year is good. Maybe it's time to get rid of the moose standing on our spiritual kidney and clean out some of the particles we've allowed into our life and stop the bad things from happening in 09? There are a lot of "little things" that you have done over the course of the last year that you may not have thought were "that bad," but these things (if not gotten rid of, confessed, forgiven, etc.) will eventually build up, solidify, crystalize, and become set in concrete and will be almost unbearable to do anything with. Psalm 51.10-11 is a great place to start. David had a serious pain in the spiritual kidney and decided to get some healing for it. He prayed "Create in me a clean heart O God, and renew a right spirit within me." (could we apply in this case, create in me a new kidney?). That's a great place to start. Now pick up with God where you left off in the Bible, in your prayer life, and so on. Our relationship with Him isn't as hard as we make it out to be. We really do have within us the desire and ability to do what is right. Philippians 2.13 says "For God is working in you, giving you the desire to obey him and the power to do what pleases him."
I mentioned this morning in talking about "YOU SAY YOU WANT A RESOLUTION," a video blog from Penn Jillette. As we talked about making resolutions, the point that seemed to stick with some of us was the one about Sharing Our Faith. As an aside, instead of just making a resolution once a year- make corrections throughout the year, every month, maybe every day, moment by moment even. So back to the topic at hand... Penn is an outspoken atheist and makes no apologies for it. But what he says here is enough to make you want to follow his advice. Many atheists say, or maybe we just think they say that we should shut up about our faith. Don't speak up about what you believe. Nobody wants to hear you try to convert them or push your beliefs on them. In summary, Penn says "I don't respect people who don't proselytize. If you believe that there's a heaven and hell, and people could be going to hell, and you think, 'Well, it's not really worth telling them this because it would make it socially awkward'... How much do you have to hate somebody not to proselytize?" Even if you don't agree with his beliefs, you have to appreciate the philosophy behind what he says about this.
Is Grace Enough?
2 Corinthians 12.9 is a familiar little verse in the Bible to many. "My grace is enough; it's all you need. My strength comes into its own in your weakness..." For some reason as I started thinking about the medical difficulties I've been through, I started thinking about the migraines I've been getting for the better part of my life. I have prayed a hundred times or more for God to take away that pain. It can vary from a dull toothache type of pain all the way to the feeling of downing a super large Slurpee and getting a permanent brain freeze, then someone trying to get rid of it for you by jamming an ice pick in your eyeball. Sorry for the description. I could go on to describe all of the affects due to an extremely heightened 5 senses, but I digress. So finally I start getting enough of these migraines that I go to a doctor a few years ago to see if I can get some relief from these things. One of the first medicines the doctor tries is a very common med for a number of things. It works for a while, when it doesn't seem to be as effective, he increases the dosage. About 3 months before going and getting tested and finding out I have an aortic root aneurism, he takes me off of it and starts trying something else. Then, as you may know, I go right back on it for the aneurism. Well, while I was praying for the migraines to go away, maybe God was allowing them to happen so that I would get the proper medicine until they discovered the aneurism and I would be on it for that? Or...... maybe it's all just a big coincidence? Either way, His grace is enough- His strength is made perfect in my weakness. I know I have to rely on His strength because I am weak.
Merry Christmas!
Shalom is probably a term that most are familiar with hearing. It's a Hebrew word that is commonly used as a greeting and in general means "peace." Last night at the Christmas Eve service I described a little more about the word and what it means to us. Before I get into more of that, the Hebrew word Sar, some of you would more than likely guess (say, if it were an extra credit question on a test!) means "Prince." If you think of the word Sar being closely similar to the word we know as Czar. I know, someone is going to let me know- that word comes from the Russian word Tsar, which means "a leader, especially in a certain area." Recently, during the bailout talks we hear the idea being thrown around of having a "car czar," someone to watch over the auto industry. Not a bad idea maybe, but again- who wants MORE gov't and MORE spending on such things than as necessary. But I digress. The Sar in the Old Testament passage Isaiah 9.6 is that very last phrase- the One who was sent here (the Son of God) to watch over. That brings us to another word we use commonly- Lord. We call Him "Lord." But is that just a name we recite, or truly a title and a position we've given Him in our lives? Don't answer yet (as they say in the TV commercials)!!! There's more! He's not just a Lord (not to be confused with some taskmaster or slave driver either!)! He's the Sar (the One who watches over) Shalom (the peace that passes human words). He's not just standing there watching over us, waiting impatiently with His arms folded and tapping His foot. The word Shalom means rest, tranquility, wholeness, completeness. He came here to be our Sar Shalom! The One who watches over our rest. He wants us to have peace in the middle of the storm. He desires a wholeness and completeness that nobody else can give. He said He came to give us "life to its fullest!", "abundant life," "joy beyond words," "peace beyond explanation." in the middle of the crowded streets of our lives and the mayhem of our minds, as it seems at times, He can give PEACE.
Shalom is probably a term that most are familiar with hearing. It's a Hebrew word that is commonly used as a greeting and in general means "peace." Last night at the Christmas Eve service I described a little more about the word and what it means to us. Before I get into more of that, the Hebrew word Sar, some of you would more than likely guess (say, if it were an extra credit question on a test!) means "Prince." If you think of the word Sar being closely similar to the word we know as Czar. I know, someone is going to let me know- that word comes from the Russian word Tsar, which means "a leader, especially in a certain area." Recently, during the bailout talks we hear the idea being thrown around of having a "car czar," someone to watch over the auto industry. Not a bad idea maybe, but again- who wants MORE gov't and MORE spending on such things than as necessary. But I digress. The Sar in the Old Testament passage Isaiah 9.6 is that very last phrase- the One who was sent here (the Son of God) to watch over. That brings us to another word we use commonly- Lord. We call Him "Lord." But is that just a name we recite, or truly a title and a position we've given Him in our lives? Don't answer yet (as they say in the TV commercials)!!! There's more! He's not just a Lord (not to be confused with some taskmaster or slave driver either!)! He's the Sar (the One who watches over) Shalom (the peace that passes human words). He's not just standing there watching over us, waiting impatiently with His arms folded and tapping His foot. The word Shalom means rest, tranquility, wholeness, completeness. He came here to be our Sar Shalom! The One who watches over our rest. He wants us to have peace in the middle of the storm. He desires a wholeness and completeness that nobody else can give. He said He came to give us "life to its fullest!", "abundant life," "joy beyond words," "peace beyond explanation." in the middle of the crowded streets of our lives and the mayhem of our minds, as it seems at times, He can give PEACE.
Sunday I mentioned briefly what has taken place in our lives over the last couple of years. Jeremiah 29.11 has always been a verse that I have clung to, but lately it has really become more significant.
It says "For I know the plans I have for you," says the LORD. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope."
There are times when circumstances in life seem to be a monumental disaster and you feel like throwing your hands up to God and screaming "Are you kidding me?" As we have watched our children develop some unusual medical symptoms that made doctors scratch their heads, we too have felt quite helpless. Kathy, being the persistent nurse/mother/researcher, after much searching and trying started to find a disease that may line up with some of these things. The wait for testing could have taken months though. Realizing that these symptoms were progressing rapidly, she searched even more and found a conference in Calif. If we could get out there and attend the conference, then all of us could get screened for this disease for free, as this is a genetic disorder.
All of this time, we were so frustrated with all of the doctor visits, tests, etc. We were looking to find some answers and direction. Well, after they tested all of us and asked us 939 questions, they said "let's start with John." I'm thinking "hey, we're not here for me, I'm fine." They began to tell us that the most dangerous marker for this disease is an "aortic root aneurism." Most people that have it do not discover it until it is too late and they are dead. The average life expectancy was about 45 years old. They told me I had that marker! Normal aortic root measurements for my age and size were from 2.5 to 3.5 cm. Mine was 4.2. If it were to get to 4.5 or more they would start talking about surgery. Wow. Everything changed in a moment. All of the things the kids had been through that seemed like a disaster was leading to something good- saving my life. We also found out that the kids aortic roots were on the large end of the scale too. Upon returning home, we were tested again with the same results.
One of the most common meds used for this is something my doctor had me on for a number of years for migraine prevention. He had just taken me off of it about 3 months prior to this discovery. What would have happened if I'd stayed off that med and the aneurism hadn't been detected? God has good plans. I went right back on it.
Upon hearing the news that I had this aneurism, a group of pastors from Spanish speaking churches asked if they could come and pray for us and lay hands on us as the Bible instructs. I, of course had no objections. The church also had a time set aside to do the same thing. We also had people from all over the world praying for us.
Approximately 14 months later, we went to Johns Hopkins in Baltimore for follow up and annual check on that aortic root. Braced for the worst, anticipating the best- the dr said that the aortic root is now 3.95cm and everything looks "proportionate." He said it didn't even look like I have an aneurism. If I did, he would see it right away. It would look out of proportion with the rest of my heart. I may still have a weakness in the wall there and will still have to get it checked and so on, but-Wow. On top of that- both of the kids measurements stayed exactly the same even though they both went through pretty major growth periods right here in the middle of their teen years! Call it whatever you want. Try to rule out the God factor any way you want. He's still in there! He's still got plans for good for you and me!
It says "For I know the plans I have for you," says the LORD. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope."
There are times when circumstances in life seem to be a monumental disaster and you feel like throwing your hands up to God and screaming "Are you kidding me?" As we have watched our children develop some unusual medical symptoms that made doctors scratch their heads, we too have felt quite helpless. Kathy, being the persistent nurse/mother/researcher, after much searching and trying started to find a disease that may line up with some of these things. The wait for testing could have taken months though. Realizing that these symptoms were progressing rapidly, she searched even more and found a conference in Calif. If we could get out there and attend the conference, then all of us could get screened for this disease for free, as this is a genetic disorder.
All of this time, we were so frustrated with all of the doctor visits, tests, etc. We were looking to find some answers and direction. Well, after they tested all of us and asked us 939 questions, they said "let's start with John." I'm thinking "hey, we're not here for me, I'm fine." They began to tell us that the most dangerous marker for this disease is an "aortic root aneurism." Most people that have it do not discover it until it is too late and they are dead. The average life expectancy was about 45 years old. They told me I had that marker! Normal aortic root measurements for my age and size were from 2.5 to 3.5 cm. Mine was 4.2. If it were to get to 4.5 or more they would start talking about surgery. Wow. Everything changed in a moment. All of the things the kids had been through that seemed like a disaster was leading to something good- saving my life. We also found out that the kids aortic roots were on the large end of the scale too. Upon returning home, we were tested again with the same results.
One of the most common meds used for this is something my doctor had me on for a number of years for migraine prevention. He had just taken me off of it about 3 months prior to this discovery. What would have happened if I'd stayed off that med and the aneurism hadn't been detected? God has good plans. I went right back on it.
Upon hearing the news that I had this aneurism, a group of pastors from Spanish speaking churches asked if they could come and pray for us and lay hands on us as the Bible instructs. I, of course had no objections. The church also had a time set aside to do the same thing. We also had people from all over the world praying for us.
Approximately 14 months later, we went to Johns Hopkins in Baltimore for follow up and annual check on that aortic root. Braced for the worst, anticipating the best- the dr said that the aortic root is now 3.95cm and everything looks "proportionate." He said it didn't even look like I have an aneurism. If I did, he would see it right away. It would look out of proportion with the rest of my heart. I may still have a weakness in the wall there and will still have to get it checked and so on, but-Wow. On top of that- both of the kids measurements stayed exactly the same even though they both went through pretty major growth periods right here in the middle of their teen years! Call it whatever you want. Try to rule out the God factor any way you want. He's still in there! He's still got plans for good for you and me!
Sunday I mentioned briefly what has taken place in our lives over the last couple of years. Jeremiah 29.11 has always been a verse that I have clung to, but lately it has really become more significant.
It says "For I know the plans I have for you," says the LORD. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope."
There are times when circumstances in life seem to be a monumental disaster and you feel like throwing your hands up to God and screaming "Are you kidding me?" As we have watched our children develop some unusual medical symptoms that made doctors scratch their heads, we too have felt quite helpless. Kathy, being the persistent nurse/mother/researcher, after much searching and trying started to find a disease that may line up with some of these things. The wait for testing could have taken months though. Realizing that these symptoms were progressing rapidly, she searched even more and found a conference in Calif. If we could get out there and attend the conference, then all of us could get screened for this disease for free, as this is a genetic disorder.
All of this time, we were so frustrated with all of the doctor visits, tests, etc. We were looking to find some answers and direction. Well, after they tested all of us and asked us 939 questions, they said "let's start with John." I'm thinking "hey, we're not here for me, I'm fine." They began to tell us that the most dangerous marker for this disease is an "aortic root aneurism." Most people that have it do not discover it until it is too late and they are dead. The average life expectancy was about 45 years old. They told me I had that marker! Normal aortic root measurements for my age and size were from 2.5 to 3.5 cm. Mine was 4.2. If it were to get to 4.5 or more they would start talking about surgery. Wow. Everything changed in a moment. All of the things the kids had been through that seemed like a disaster was leading to something good- saving my life. We also found out that the kids aortic roots were on the large end of the scale too. Upon returning home, we were tested again with the same results.
One of the most common meds used for this is something my doctor had me on for a number of years for migraine prevention. He had just taken me off of it about 3 months prior to this discovery. What would have happened if I'd stayed off that med and the aneurism hadn't been detected? God has good plans. I went right back on it.
Upon hearing the news that I had this aneurism, a group of pastors from Spanish speaking churches asked if they could come and pray for us and lay hands on us as the Bible instructs. I, of course had no objections. The church also had a time set aside to do the same thing. We also had people from all over the world praying for us.
Approximately 14 months later, we went to Johns Hopkins in Baltimore for follow up and annual check on that aortic root. Braced for the worst, anticipating the best- the dr said that the aortic root is now 3.95cm and everything looks "proportionate." He said it didn't even look like I have an aneurism. If I did, he would see it right away. It would look out of proportion with the rest of my heart. I may still have a weakness in the wall there and will still have to get it checked and so on, but-Wow. On top of that- both of the kids measurements stayed exactly the same even though they both went through pretty major growth periods right here in the middle of their teen years! Call it whatever you want. Try to rule out the God factor any way you want. He's still in there! He's still got plans for good for you and me!
It says "For I know the plans I have for you," says the LORD. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope."
There are times when circumstances in life seem to be a monumental disaster and you feel like throwing your hands up to God and screaming "Are you kidding me?" As we have watched our children develop some unusual medical symptoms that made doctors scratch their heads, we too have felt quite helpless. Kathy, being the persistent nurse/mother/researcher, after much searching and trying started to find a disease that may line up with some of these things. The wait for testing could have taken months though. Realizing that these symptoms were progressing rapidly, she searched even more and found a conference in Calif. If we could get out there and attend the conference, then all of us could get screened for this disease for free, as this is a genetic disorder.
All of this time, we were so frustrated with all of the doctor visits, tests, etc. We were looking to find some answers and direction. Well, after they tested all of us and asked us 939 questions, they said "let's start with John." I'm thinking "hey, we're not here for me, I'm fine." They began to tell us that the most dangerous marker for this disease is an "aortic root aneurism." Most people that have it do not discover it until it is too late and they are dead. The average life expectancy was about 45 years old. They told me I had that marker! Normal aortic root measurements for my age and size were from 2.5 to 3.5 cm. Mine was 4.2. If it were to get to 4.5 or more they would start talking about surgery. Wow. Everything changed in a moment. All of the things the kids had been through that seemed like a disaster was leading to something good- saving my life. We also found out that the kids aortic roots were on the large end of the scale too. Upon returning home, we were tested again with the same results.
One of the most common meds used for this is something my doctor had me on for a number of years for migraine prevention. He had just taken me off of it about 3 months prior to this discovery. What would have happened if I'd stayed off that med and the aneurism hadn't been detected? God has good plans. I went right back on it.
Upon hearing the news that I had this aneurism, a group of pastors from Spanish speaking churches asked if they could come and pray for us and lay hands on us as the Bible instructs. I, of course had no objections. The church also had a time set aside to do the same thing. We also had people from all over the world praying for us.
Approximately 14 months later, we went to Johns Hopkins in Baltimore for follow up and annual check on that aortic root. Braced for the worst, anticipating the best- the dr said that the aortic root is now 3.95cm and everything looks "proportionate." He said it didn't even look like I have an aneurism. If I did, he would see it right away. It would look out of proportion with the rest of my heart. I may still have a weakness in the wall there and will still have to get it checked and so on, but-Wow. On top of that- both of the kids measurements stayed exactly the same even though they both went through pretty major growth periods right here in the middle of their teen years! Call it whatever you want. Try to rule out the God factor any way you want. He's still in there! He's still got plans for good for you and me!
Lamin- the stuff that holds us together
watch as Louie Giglio, a Christian singer/worship leader, talks about Laminin. It's a few minutes long, but wait for it... it'll hit you! Laminin Video
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